Saturday, November 15, 2014

Yesterday I tweeted that I've been a bad Jew the last few weeks.  I have been so distracted lately.  I haven't been diligent in reading Torah every day and I've missed like 3 Shabbat services :(  As Shabbat began last night I took time to refocus and get back on the path I am meant to be on.  One of the commitments I have made, once again, is to NOT have sex until I am married.  A pattern I have seen in my life is whenever I sleep with someone it clouds my judgement masking what is really going on.  Don't get me wrong I am grateful for all the lessons I have had in my life but I think I get the idea :)

Ever since I was a little girl boys always liked me.  I never had a problem getting attention from the opposite sex.  In saying that sex was always something that came easily for me and with people who I wanted to be with.  I have dated legendary rockstars, wrestlers and movie stars who ALWAYS went approached me.  I am not sharing to boast but to make a point that (for whatever reason) I have lived a life that most day dream of because it was my path.  I'm in a different place now and with the wisdom God has blessed me with I know the way to the person I am supposed to be with is to not sleep with anyone until I marry them.  It weeds out the douchebags or people who just want to sleep with "hot Shelly Martinez"- gag me with a spoon.   It was placed upon my heart years ago and for 2 1/2 years I kept to that commitment but I went off coarse.  When I went off that coarse I ended up having 2 relationships that ended because at the end of the day they were NOT who I was supposed to be with.

Going back to yesterday, SO after tweeted I was being a bad Jew I caught up on my Torah readings which told the tale of Isaac and Rebecca's union.  Part of their story is God placed upon their hearts what type of woman Isaac NEEDED. Rebecca effortless proved she was the one then they connected and became husband and wife.  During today's Shabbat service we revisited those scriptures and felt the need to share my thoughts/feelings with all of you fine people ;)  No matter what you believe stay true to what YOU WANT and NEVER settle for less.  I know it's hard and you may stumble but take this blog as a little reminder from the Universe.  Remember, YOU are in control of your Life and destiny.  Life is filled with wonderful lessons but in order to evolve you have to pass the test so you can graduate to the next level ;)  ONE Love, Shabbat Shalom xo PS PLEASE feel free to leave a comment below.  I read and respond to all of them :)

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