Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Once upon a time in a land far, far away I had a site called shellymartinez.com.  It was a members site which had weekly video and picture updates.  One of the video categories was called The Ooh La La Channel.  What consisted on said channel?  Pretty much sexy video photo shoots, you know like Sports Illustrated does?  Anywho, it's hard to come by people you can trust to shoot this type of footage.  I ended up having my boyfriend (at the time) film them for me.  Today I thought why not bring it back.  Who cares if I do not have a pro camera!  I got my tab ;)  So here is my first attempt at shooting an Ooh La La video myself.  The last time I wore this shirt was on my birthday/PWS show/double bday party with Kevin Matthews.  It was the beginning of our more than friends connection and with that inspiration I bring you another do-it-yourself production.  Leave a comment in the comment box below I will totally answer.  Positive vibes!

Fun Fact:  I decided to call it The Ooh La La channel based off the magazine cover Biff has when trying to pull a fast at the dance on Back to the Future!

I'm a nerd and this is a clear example of why. LOL Who knows, maybe my nerdiness will land my this gig....probably not but at least I tried! #livingthedream

I know I may sound like a complete nerd but it makes me smile when Good Day LA tweets with me.  One day I hope to be on their show and give Steve the biggest Shelly hug ever!  Positive vibes, Love and Light to everyone out there!  Special positives vibes to everyone over there at Good Day LA who put on a great show every morning.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Better late than never!  I will say this, the best way for me to learn has always been through trial and error.  Even though there were moments of wanting to scream out of frustration I totally will always remember what I learned in the world of web site making LOL

Sunday, April 28, 2013

What a beautiful Sunday morning!  I got up super early and have accomplished so much with lots of time to finish everything I set out to.  I have learned that I need to allow myself time to get things done or I get overwhelmed which leads to stress and/or panic attacks.  I woke up this morning feeling alive and ready for whatever the day may bring.  Day 90 and going stronger than ever before.  Shalom :)

I'm so silly, duh today isn't Sunday its Saturday!  Well, at least I gained a day.  I woke up with lots of questions and naturally through out  my day I discovered answers in places I never knew exist.  Places I have been nurturing without realizing it until now.  I need to experience life and different situations in order to find the answers and make sense of everything.  Shabbat Shalom!

Don't forget that you can leave comments in the box below.  I check them everyday, so far not many post but I hope that changes soon! xo Shelly

Thursday, April 25, 2013

It seem every time I wake up in go mode I forget to record my morning entry.  Well, as I famously say from time to time, better late than never.  The worse part about this video is I was super excited to eat this brownie that has only 120 calories and 20 grams of carbs.  Then after I recorded this video I ate it then realized it had was 3 servings!  I guess I need to up my cardio today LOL  Be sure to check out santinobros.net tonight LIVE at 8:30PMPST to see me and Pinky beat up Jezebel and Tito ;)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'm not sure why the audio didn't record but here's what I came up with in hopes to make up for it ;)
Im gonna kick ur butt! RT @JezabelRomo: 1 more day and I take the cheating #MartinezSisters OUT! @funtimeshelly @GreenVenus10 @SantinoBros http://www.santinobros.net/newsdesk_info.php?newsdesk_id=1453

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Eye roll RT @JezabelRomo: @funtimeshelly @GreenVenus10 I am coming for ur #lowclass #BevHills asses this thursday! #funtime is over @SantinoBros #LetsRock!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Just got back from walking the Mertzes and figured what better time to record my daily entry.  I oopsie doodled this morning and forgot but at least the view is far more superior than the backyard. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Part 1 from my shoot with White Wizzard.  I dig old school metal so this random Craig's List gig actually worked out.  Yay Craig's List, maybe we can be friends after all....probably not but at least it worked out this time :)

I just added over 20 behind the scene pics from the shoot I had with White Wizzard.  Click here to see more!

#FunVid alert!  Here are some behind the scenes clips from the cannabis relate pilot I have been shooting over the last few months.  I shot this two days before St. Patrick's Day/CWF Hollywood tapings.  Medicated popcorn plus CWF Hollywood taping equals happy Martinez Girlz ;)

‏He is my absolute FAV I do dig a variety of music but at the end of the day I always go back to my Matis music channel RT    Hey missed you at MWE!! How much do you love Matisyahu?? He's one of my all time favorites!! Positive vibes

*Since Twit Longer jobs me out I thought I would start posting my long tweet on my blog.  You can even leave a comment for each post below!

Day 83 was quite the interesting one and once again I dropped the ball with footage.  I pretty much had a private party with The Mertzes all day yesterday while waiting for Danielle to get home.  I got a lot done and more importantly got my fitness on.  I allowed myself indulge for a few weeks and now its time to go back to normal.  As my amiga Ann would say gotta keep it tight!  We ended our day at Barney's Beanery in Hollywood for Brian Zombie's bday celebration.  Zombie Martinez ;)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sometimes you just have to embrace that life is pretty simple.  We as humans complicate it sometimes so much we feel out of control :(  Well, simply put I think it's radical that The Lord protects me from situations, people, etc without me understanding or knowing why.  Confused?  Let me give you an example.  I used to work with a this amazing photographer and long story short, one day he made me very uncomfortable.  I distance myself from him and through out the years I have tried to work with him again but it just never happens.  So during these times I thought he was kayfabing me but in reality The Lord was protecting me from being in really bad situations with said photographer.  A pattern I have discovered is whenever you let go of a situation and get to the point where you can "care less" that's when you get answers that fill the holes.  Once these holes are filled you are granted closure which is a beautiful thing.  So I guess what I am saying I no longer over think life.  I give all my trust in His Majesty and I feel so free.  I never felt this way before, it's so magical.  Not in a pagan but in a way that words cannot begin to describe so you just got to go with the word magical ;)  Positive vibes, Love and Light to everyone out there.  Peace be with you, God be with you.  Shalom.

Don't forget that you can post comments to all video, pics and blog post below.  Lets get interactive!

Friday, April 19, 2013

I feel like I started Day 82 twice LOL Sometimes you just gotta hit your internal F5 button and refresh your day.  Stay tuned for some Extended iPhone Diaries today! Shalom ;)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wake, vape, create!  I can't believe today marks day 81.  I wonder what type of entry I will have on day 100, hmmmm.....Well, time to get this day started.  Positive vibes, Love and Light to everyone out there.  Tip of the Day:  If you find yourself overwhelmed always remember to take a second, breath and revisit the situation with a clear mind.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Testing out my Blogger App on my phone

I'm not sure why but when I try to use Twit Longer from my phone it doesn't work :(  Well, you know me!  I will take this negative and turn it into a positive.  I figure instead of using Twit Longer why not use my blog instead.  PS whenever I post a video/pic/blog you can comment on each entry in the box below.  I am trying to make my site as fan friendly as possible.  Maybe it will work, maybe it won't but I'm brown and down so let try it out.

Day 80, second time I woke up and now I am ready for Wrestle Wed

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Finally caught up! This was this morning after pulling a Las Vegas all nighter.  Last night I 'rassled Cheerleader Melissa at the Cauliflower Alley event at the Gold Coast Casino.  I had an amazing match and would like to publically give props to Melissa for playing in the school yard with me ;)   Positive to her in its purest form, shalom.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 78 and in route to Vegas for Cauliflower Alley.  This is my first time attending, I've been dying to find out what all the hoopla is all about ;)  I will face Cheerleader Melissa tonight brought to you by Chick Fight so stand by for some Fun Vids!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I have no idea which day this was but here is the entry nonetheless LOL

Day 78:  An early day but much needed.  This was the beginning of my adventure to the Dynamite D show with the Santino Bros!  Stay tuned for a Save Wrestling video from yesterday's show....

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Song of the Day:  Nothing's Gonna Stop Us by Starship!  This song will ALWAYS remind me of Mannequin and Kevin Matthews ;) One Love, positive vibes and peace be with all of you.

Day 73 and in the air.  I'm not sure on what time it is but this is the moment when I woke up on the plane from leaving Jersey.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ok, TODAY is day 69 and OMG no time, there's never any time!  Perhaps if I would STICK to posting videos NO MATTER WHAT at 7 AM I would have time on my side.  Noted.  I NEED to come up with more restrictions.  Tomorrow is another day.....

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 68 and I'm off to a radical audition!  I really hope I land this one, it would mean a lot to me.  If I get it I will totally do a video explaining but until then I'm off!  Positive vibes :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 67 and on my way to Hollywood Hills with The Mertzes.  I think this a great way to give The Mertzes extra exercise when we have to get up early.  Abcity baby!  I'm going to get those Mertzes in shape darn it.
Join me and the #funtimegang at the #RegalBeagleVideoChat TODAY at 5PMPST.  Click here to get access!

Day 66 went quite well, if I do say so myself.  Danielle and I were part of Stu Stone's new music video AND I ended up hosting Sunday Nite Stu.  Why the heck didn't me or Danielle get more footage....UGH!  Oh well, next time....dang it!  I also had to make a little message for my gals out there who are too hard on themselves.  Remember, no one is perfect so let go of the insecurities before they take over.  Positive vibes!

*Remember you can always post comments in the box below!  I monitor everything on the site so I will totally write back.  Let's get interactive!