Sunday, August 15, 2010

Some Sunday Thoughts

Man, I have been really trippin' out the last few days.  I have had this unsettling feeling that I just can't seem to shake.  I did feel myself yesterday while driving back from practice though!!  It felt so good to start over fresh.  Now that my mind, body and soul are in a better place training meant something different to me.  It felt different.  Similar to how I felt when I first started but minus the anxiety :) and it just makes sense.  I have decided to start from scratch now that I understand wrestling in a different way.  I need to make all my moves, big or small, crisp and the only way to make that happen every time is to be in ring shape.  I understand now more than every how going back to the basics will help me so much more when I do more advance moves in the ring.  I thought my ego might get to me and I would feel silly being in a beginner class but not 1% did I feel that way.  In fact, I was eager to correct moves and such I wasn't doing properly.  Then when Danielle and I return home I started to feel that unsettle feeling again.  Today Danielle and I came together not only as sister or friends but spiritually and I figured it out!!  Danielle and I tend to not struggle with certain feelings, emotions, decisions etc but others have a really hard time to understand.  Then it hit me!!  I feel because I have always had God in my life certain "stuff" is just second nature to me.  Some of those things are not second nature to others hence why it could be difficult for others to understand why I may understand something in a different way.  THEN I realized I am being challenged which only leads to growth.  I am a big fan!!  I felt way more positive after our chat and now I feel my day can continue.  I still feel unsettled but just not in that dark way anymore-I know understand.  Just thought I would share!!  Better watch out, I might be prone to blog later today :)

xo Shelly I think its time for some WII bowling!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shelly this is Rob Kovach :) i must say the emotions and spirituality you have towards the things u do and the people in your life is inspiring. i can't speak upon why you have an unsettling feeling in u still after you've had a spiritual quest with your sister. (maybe your hungry for more) but i can say that if you keep all the positives in and keep your faith in your abilities and keeping those who love u close to your heart you will leave no space for the negatives. Always have faith. infact in the bible there is a passage i've spoken of in the past and i think it could help u when in training. so here it is

    Hebrews 1:11 Faith is being sure of what we hope for.

    you've had a taste of that so far by going back to basics with your training. you were afraid of going back to basics cause you thought your ego would get in the way. and behold you took that faithful step and never felt your ego get hurt. because somewhere deep down inside you knew that taking a class for beginers would benifit you in correcting those moves you needed to correct as u said. and for that i'm very proud of you. i always say an Ego is for Fools and Honor is for the Respected... and with all the respect you have for those around you and for yourself you've allowed yourself to be of that highest honor. Keep up the good work never feel discouraged and always Follow your Heart. for it will guide you to your ultimate destiny :) i love you very much and congrats on your success in your training so far. i can't wait to see you kick butt in TNA and become the longest reignning Knockout Champion... i have faith in u. remember to always have it in yourself :) Later Angel

    Love Always Your Friend
    Rob Kovach

    P.S. LAX 5150 4+ever :)
