Monday, August 16, 2010

Deaths in Wrestling

It is so sad when I find out yet another fellow wrestling has fallen :(  I really felt for Lance Cade's loved ones and close friends this past week.  It's so sad that rarely do you hear about a wrestler passing away after living a long, healthy life.  I feel so blessed that I was able to catch myself before I fell. 
I am very familiar with abusing prescription pills and what it can do to you when high and when going through withdraws.  I have learned that the poison of your addiction isn't what the root of the problem is.  It's why you choose that poison and what effect it give you that your seem to crave.  For me, muscle relaxers put me in a zombie mode where I didn't have to feel anything.  I had these dark feelings and didn't understand why.  Now I understand I had suppressed memories that needed to come out but I was choosing to numb myself with muscle relaxers to make that dark feeling at least go away for a bit.  Since I have been away from self medicating I have unlocked those memories which has helped me understand myself and why I am the way I am.  Why I got frustrated over the silliest things or why I would fly off the handle when things or people triggered those dark feelings I wasn't understanding.  NOW I understand why taking medication is most efficient while going to therapy.  I really wish this way of thinking was promoted in wrestling.  It's so sad!!  Especially when you do not realized you are causing harm to not only yourself but others around you.  My prayers are with Lance and his loved ones.  Thank you Lord for always being my rock.  xo Shelly

1 comment:

  1. Thats really cool Shelly. i agree totally with what u said. it should be promoted in Wrestling. even if to warn others ahead of time before getting into the wrestling business. you are an example of a Strong Spirit. and it's because of your inner strength that you've Chokeslamed your demons to hell. and have found yourself with the passion and heart to do only whats right... it's one of the things that gives me and others in your life that inspiration to never give up hope. i've always said it. You are an Angel from above :)

    Love Always ur friend
    Rob Kovach
