Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So for two days now I have been trying to upload my RVD interview grrrrr.  I think its my computer, I really need a new one.  This one is almost toast!!  I am hoping to soon just switch to lap top.  Then I can take all of you everywhere with me!!  I was so angry a few mins ago.  So frustrated, then God reminded me I need to not revert back to angry Shelly, angry Shelly only leads to feeling dark or thinking dark thoughts.  Thank you God for reminding me!!  My reminder??  Little Star by Madonna, the words remind me of how I feel about Danielle and once that love over came me my computer glitch seemed silly.  Just food for thought!!

xo Shelly


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you are wise beyond your years. and you have the good lord to thank for that. if i may suggest i have a compaq desktop computer and i use Norton Anti-Virus Software for protection. it's said that Norton is the best out there. and Compaq is a great brand of computer. i've had my computer now going on 7 months now and no problems at all. just some more food for thought. :)
