Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A New Beginning..

Wow, what a gnarly day!!  Its not a bad thing, quite the opposite.  I can't help but reflect back on a time in my life where these feelings, emotions and energy were experienced.  The time I am referring to is right before Mr. Tommy Dreamer informed me that WWE wanted to offer me a developmental contract.  This is why I know these feelings etc are 110% positive.  Now I am a wiser version of myself and totally embrace what the Lord has in store for me.  I truly believe that the pilot is the beginning of my new life.  I have confidence in this because when I was in Vegas shooting I kept feeling emotions I felt ONLY when I was on the road full time with WWE.  I know that I need to put on my spiritual armor and be ready for a fight.  Not a fight to achieve but fighting the spiritual battle that is around us every day.  I feel this is why some find it difficult to live righteously, it can be very hard and discouraging.  BUT the pay off is worth so much more than the attacks.  It makes the attacks almost comical.  Lately I have been around people from my past who I need support from and have begun to nurture new connections that will only elevate me versus take away from me.  I am so in love with all my close friends from my past and my new ones.  IN LOVE, its such a beautiful thing.  We all learn from each other, give to each other and support one another.  Such a beautiful gift that keeps on giving- true friendships.  I want to publicly thank God for all His blessing and I fully embrace this new life He is preparing for me.  I know there are some responsibilities that come with all of it but that's the beauty of it all.  Some of those responsibilities used to be "struggles" and now they are so effortless to practice.  Stay tuned to hear all the details of my crazy Goonie adventures!! Peace, love & blessing from Lollipop Lane!! xo Shelly

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