Monday, November 1, 2010

Just finished my interview....

.....hee hee, I was so tongue tied!!  In a good way though.  I have found that when I am asked a question that I normally do not get asked I say all my thoughts before answering the questions LOL It's like while I think about my thoughts or feelings I ramble then collect my rambling and then clearly answer LOL I better start working on this.  I will post the link as soon as I get it :) Have a beautiful day!!  xo Shelly

1 comment:

  1. cool little blog shelly, i can't wait to listen into the interveiw. i am the same way when it comes to communication when i'm asked questions. and there are other times i just blank out in my brain and theres dead silence. lol... sometimes people have to ask me "are you still there" lol... and when that happens i'm usually off in another planet that hasn't even been discoverd yet. LMAO!!! i hope you have a great day and a Fangtastic Night :) later luv

    luv always your friend
    Rob Kovach :)
