Friday, September 6, 2013

Yesterday was one of those days!  I woke up bright and early, felt great and after I made this video it seemed one thing after another kept happening.  Life can be frustrating at times but I have learned when you have a day filled with bumps in the road you got to just go with the flow.  If you allow yourself to get stressed out it could lead to anger and/or depression.  I refuse lose my cool just because things aren't going according to plan.  We can't control everything we can only control how we act and react to situations and experiences. 

So on my way home I was praying and ask The Lord to bring me peace.  I was able to let go of the negativity and when I got home the ex texted me and finally agreed to send the paper today!  Hopefully it will arrive by Monday then back to the courthouse on Tuesday to FINALLY become Martinez again.  Phew....what a crazy couple of months.  From my grandma dying to people I love no longer being in my life to yesterday, crazy!  Today was a tough one for me all the craziness sat on my shoulders and I broke down.  I just got off the phone with my amigo Jon Bolen and I feel so much better.  I needed to let everything out instead of holding it in like a tough gal.  Even tough gals need a good cry sometimes.  Okay back to editing now, thanks for listening and supporting me everyone.  It truly means a lot to me.  Positive vibes, ONE Love.


  1. If you can survive ECW then your definitely a tough gal Shelly!!! Glad your ok though!!! :) Also glad you liked my throwback pic with Beth and Punk!!!
