Tuesday, December 30, 2014


My long awaited Santino Bros return! Don't miss the beating that... (read more)

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Just wanted to post a little update so everyone knows whats going on :)  My computer is still not working but I'm using my tab and phone for updates.  A tad bush league but they work!  What's super helpful is I have a keyboard that's capatable with Bluetooth connections so at least its not difficult to type :)  Hopoefully soon I will find out how to get my computer screen to work or get a new computer all together. In the meantime make sure you subscribe to my YouTube.com/Luchagal909 channel and TweetSecret.com/Shelly to be a part of my video fan club.  Tonight I will being vlogging for both channels and you don't wanna miss it!  Stay tuned for more updates, until then positive vibes and ONE Love xo 

Thursday, December 18, 2014


I just got back from a long walk with The Mertzes and I feel so refreshed!  Back in 2008 I used to date a fella who lived in Los Feliz and once I felt the magic in the area I was hooked.  I used to always tell Danielle one day we will live there, I called it Mission Los Feliz.  I felt adventurous today and went a different direction and I found myself in the same area that inspired me in 2008.  I have been giving myself a little bit of a hard time lately about not having certain goals met.  On the walk I realized how much I have truly achieved and it motivated me to the core.  I can't wait to go back with Danielle she's gonna love it!  Okay back to work...I hope everyone is having a positive day :) ONE Love.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


So long story short my electronic devices I use to edit and record are all against me lately.  I told Danielle maybe we should go on hiatus until after the new year so we can figure it out and get back on track.  Then yesterday I thought about it and said eff that man... (read more)

I slept in today!  I meant to wake up at 7AM but got up at 8:45 :(  I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but it messed my day up.  So now I guess it's time to regroup and focus on what i need to accomplish today.  After I woke up I felt good, made coffee and breakfast for Danielle before she went to work.  After I dropped Danielle off I had a nice walk with The Mertzes... (read more)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I had so much fun shooting with Lee!  I can't wait to shoot with him again.  I got the gig off of Craig's List which most of you...(read more)

This weeks Mi Vida Loca episode is from the night I did the photo shoot.  It was fun putting it together.  I love the art that was surrounding us for the last set, it totally reminded me of Dave Cole.  If you aren't familiar with Dave's art work you HAVE to check it out davecoledojo.com :)

Friday, November 28, 2014

I have gone through so much trial and error with my site and YouTube but I think I worked all the kinks out ;)  This is the first episode of what I call Mi Vida Loca and who better to be featured than my amiga Electra.  I believe in her, her band and their music.  Something happens to my soul when I see them perform, it's electric (pun intended).  It was fun revisiting the video shoot I did too.  I totally forgot about it and how shady I thought it was at first.  Everyone was super cool and I literally was only there for less than an hour.  Easy money.  Stay tuned for more Mi Vida Loca videos and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and check out Electra's FB page CLICK HERE!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

You know what is amazing about this shoot?  I gained an amiga!  Tara, the gal in the video with me, was also booked as "the bikini girl" and bikini gals stick together.  So interesting how life connects you with people right when you need it the most.  The shoot was a week after my break up, I was in such a weird place.  It messed with my head being in Venice at first.  Last time I had been there was with  my ex when he came to visit me.  Once Tara and I connected she soothed my soul bringing words of wisdom to my heart.  Positive vibes Tara!  She's amazing, talented and you should follow her ;)   

Added some photos from Freakshow Wrestling in August!  Click here to see more!

Today is all about editing and podcasting, I'm so behind in both!  It's been super hard to keep up with live broadcast on VOC Nation so Danielle and I have decided to go back to prerecorded shows... (read more)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Who was Lucy Ricardo? Why did she always act like there was something more to her life than being a housewife? She dreamed of joining show business. She was more than Ricky Ricardo's wife...(read more)

We are The Following....taking over the world one promotion at a time.  Consider yourselves warned, for The Following has spoken...

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A photo posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

I started a love affair with bagels when I was in junior high.  Shout out to Grace Yokley! In high school I would eat a big old bagel with a soda every morning.  I was the type of gal who weighted 110 lbs with out even trying.  I think being an athlete since kindergarten allowed me to get away with eating more crap than most.  Plus there was that run in with Mr. Tapeworm...Anywho, after I graduated and went into the real world I learned real quick eating a bagel every morning with globs of cream cheese would result in a muffin top!  It was so hard to break the habit I had formed and found myself eating the bagel but starving myself through out the rest of the day.  It took years for me to develop a healthy relationship with food and taking care of my body.  I think its amazing that in our day and age there are so many alternatives so we can get what we crave with out having to put a bunch of empty calories in our body.  Years ago I discovered Bagel Thins and recently I have embraced using Weight Watchers cream cheese.  Bagel Thins are low in calories AND carbohydrates. The Weight Watchers whipped cream cheese is low in calories and sodium.  I don't know about you but sodium really kicks my booty sometimes, or at least adds a lot of water weight to it :) Love bagels as much as I do but watching your waistline?  Here's what I prepared this morning and its was only about 200 calories and 27 grams of carbs:

  • Wheat Bagel Thin
  • 2 tablespoons of Weight Watchers whipped cream cheese
  • 4 slices of avacado
  • Dash of crushed red pepper and sea salt for some zing!

A video posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

I just finished my audition, it went well!  I'm such a nerd....I can't believe I forgot I had it.  I meant to reschedule with them yesterday because I ended up getting a paid gig today.  I got so lost in yesterday's gig I spaced and completely forgot.

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Well, I'm a strong believer in everything happens for a reason.  The most important things is I still was able to have the audition and now it's up to the Universe if I land the gig.  I hope I do ;) but if I don't not biggie.  Lesson of the day, USE MY ORGANIZER EVERYDAY.  Well, now time for Wendy Williams then to the gym for my Jessica Simpson workout.

I am reminded of why I previously chose to be single. I've always been "the girlfriend" type. Loyal puppy dog love. Total devotion. I'm just a serious girl about everything I do. I don't enjoy dating or sleeping around. I want to be with someone who I can see a future with...(read more)

Monday, November 17, 2014

A lot has changed for Danielle, The Mertzes and me.  In that change tears have been shed, hearts have been broken but a sense of clarity evolved from all the hardships.  We have evolved and continue to grow in our journey.  I thought why not share our crazy Goonie adventures with all of you fine people.  ONE Love, Shalom!

I have been searching for Dub/Reggae that has this vibe.  I totally forgot about using my iTunes radio and now it's opened my soul to Chill Dub aka LOVES IT!  Today's Song of the Day is by Isreal Vibration.  I look forward to exploring their music more.

I am bringing back monthly Regal Beagle Video Chats! Click here for more details :) 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Yesterday I tweeted that I've been a bad Jew the last few weeks.  I have been so distracted lately.  I haven't been diligent in reading Torah every day and I've missed like 3 Shabbat services :(  As Shabbat began last night I took time to refocus and get back on the path I am meant to be on.  One of the commitments I have made, once again, is to NOT have sex until I am married.  A pattern I have seen in my life is whenever I sleep with someone it clouds my judgement masking what is really going on.  Don't get me wrong I am grateful for all the lessons I have had in my life but I think I get the idea :)

Ever since I was a little girl boys always liked me.  I never had a problem getting attention from the opposite sex.  In saying that sex was always something that came easily for me and with people who I wanted to be with.  I have dated legendary rockstars, wrestlers and movie stars who ALWAYS went approached me.  I am not sharing to boast but to make a point that (for whatever reason) I have lived a life that most day dream of because it was my path.  I'm in a different place now and with the wisdom God has blessed me with I know the way to the person I am supposed to be with is to not sleep with anyone until I marry them.  It weeds out the douchebags or people who just want to sleep with "hot Shelly Martinez"- gag me with a spoon.   It was placed upon my heart years ago and for 2 1/2 years I kept to that commitment but I went off coarse.  When I went off that coarse I ended up having 2 relationships that ended because at the end of the day they were NOT who I was supposed to be with.

Going back to yesterday, SO after tweeted I was being a bad Jew I caught up on my Torah readings which told the tale of Isaac and Rebecca's union.  Part of their story is God placed upon their hearts what type of woman Isaac NEEDED. Rebecca effortless proved she was the one then they connected and became husband and wife.  During today's Shabbat service we revisited those scriptures and felt the need to share my thoughts/feelings with all of you fine people ;)  No matter what you believe stay true to what YOU WANT and NEVER settle for less.  I know it's hard and you may stumble but take this blog as a little reminder from the Universe.  Remember, YOU are in control of your Life and destiny.  Life is filled with wonderful lessons but in order to evolve you have to pass the test so you can graduate to the next level ;)  ONE Love, Shabbat Shalom xo PS PLEASE feel free to leave a comment below.  I read and respond to all of them :)

Friday, November 14, 2014

A video posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

Oh Life and your little jokes.  I was SUPPOSED to do some audience work today but long story short, it didn't happen.  Visit my Tweet Secret page to see what all the fuss is about ;) In the mean time I will be in total hustle mode...ONE Love!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Today was such a gnarly day filled with positive and negative energy.  As I often say you MUST go through the negative in order to see the positive with clear vision.  Recently I was in a convo with one of my amigos who was going through a tough time and the right words came to me straight from my heart.

"Sometimes you gotta go through crap in order to fertile your soul so that you can grow"

I was shocked those words came out of my mouth.  Not only did it click for him but it clicked for me! Today was one of those day and tonight I will go to sleep a wiser version of myself which will allow me to elevate to the next level.  You get what you put in and in this Life.  When you put in time, energy and focus it will allow you to achieve the Life you desire.  So I say cheers to today and all it's dysfunction for within that dysfunction I found answer I have been desperately seeking.   Oh Life, you can be such a little bitch sometimes but you're never an asshole ;)

What a crazy couple of days!  So long story short, Danielle and I needed to get to Vegas on Tuesday to attend our BFF's wedding.  I especially needed to be there because I was the maid of honor.  Much like my Arizona trip everything worked out for the best but boy was it a bumpy road.  Everything happens for a reason and what was supposed to happen did, no regrets.

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Our amiga got married at the MGM Grand and it was magical!  The whole theme was old Hollywood and as most of you know Danielle and I are all about that old Hollywood magic!

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A photo posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

I love when we are able to travel with The Mertzes.  I'm such a worrier especially with Ethel having diabetes and all.  The Mertzes were living it up at the Flamingo while we were at the wedding.  I always wanted to stay at the Flamingo after all it was Dean Martin's old stopping grounds ;)

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A photo posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

Stay tuned for VIDEOS and more PICS!

I was organizing my videos this morning and I found this gem.  This was about a month after my break up and I totally stand by what I say 1000%!  It's so intriguing seeing myself in these moments where I am vulnerable and open.  I don't care if people dislike what I share, I never post anything with ill intent.  I simply am here to share my story in hopes to bring positive vibes and God's Love to whoever needs it.  My break up has allowed me to connect to my female fans on a different level.  I don't mean to leave out the fellas :)  It's been cool as a female to get so much positive feed back from my male fans too.  May Love and Light shine on everyone out there.  Life can be hard and cruel but don't fall down the black hole of negativity.  Remember in order to embrace Light one must experience darkness learning Life's special lessons that we can carry on with us where ever we go.  ONE Love!

Monday, November 10, 2014

When I was at IWF this weekend Lance Hoyt and I were catching up and this convo happened.  Naturally I had to stop him mid sentence so I can record the moment.  Positive vibes Trisha! 

Life always brings things full circle.  This weekend was another example on how true that statement is.  I have learned to let go and allow things to happen organically.  Whatever is meant to be TRULY is meant to be...(read more)

OMG what a journey it was to get to Arizona!  I guess it comes with the territory ;)  Stay tuned for pics and video updates from my IWF experience...(read more)

While I was updating my site this song came on my playlist so I thought why not make it the Song of the Day!  Rebelution is one of my favorite bands and this song is a clear example of why.  Their vibe is amazing, Danielle and I HAVE to see them live.  

Friday, November 7, 2014

Well, I didn't get the booking but I don't care I gained so much more.  Yes it would have been nice to have a pay day brother but I really pushed myself to just get to this audition and that was a success in itself.  I know that sounds completely cheesy but it's true!  I forgot that day even happened until I looked at my files to see what the next video to edit would be.  I was still pretty fresh off my break up and once again God aligned me with women to help me heal.  On the way to the audition I go so lost and even contemplated if I should just go home.  Taking public transportation sucks and what makes it worse is when your phone dies.  Through it all I maintained a peaceful vibe and couldn't help but laugh at all the bumps in the road.  Part of being an actress is going on audition and I firmly believe the chase for the perfect role is what help define you as a performer.  Those different experiences, situations, people, anxiety, moments of zen- all of it can be channeled in your art.  OMG just like my situation tonight!  I'm trying to find the best way to get to the show tomorrow but I'm laughing at all the obstacles.  There was a time in my life that I wouldn't laugh I would get frustrated and filled with anxiety.  Praise God for bringing Peace to my soul so that I can live a better quality of Life.  ONE Love!

What a blessing today was!  Last night my mom came over to bring us a new table and chair set for our apartment and stay the night.  Ever since my grandma died my mom and I have gotten so much closer.  We were already on that road before her passing but it truly began to blossom after she was gone.  It would make her happy to see the connection I have developed with my mom.  Growing up I watched my mom struggle as a single parent trying to maintain her sanity through all the pain.  Even when our relationship was weak my mom always expressed how important my relationship with God was.  I fully received that message and embraced that way of thinking during this crazy journey and I am here to tell you it saved me.  Yes, I have had my dark times which led to poor decisions but my faith always pulled me out of the darkness enlightening my soul with wisdom that I could only obtain through experience.

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We started our morning at 101 Cafe in Hollywood.  I love this place!  Danielle and I definitely need to come here more often.  One of my favorite movies is Swingers and at the end of the movie there is a scene in a restaurant.  Well, that's the 101 Cafe!  Every time I go there I fall more in love with the place.  It connects to a hotel that has an amazing old Hollywood feel to it.

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Danielle had to go to work so my mom and I walked her there after breakfast.  My mom owns an antique store in the Inland Empire and is always eager to check out estate sales to see what she can find.  We noticed on the way back from breakfast an estate sign pointing into the Hollywood Hills so naturally we went.  I loved sharing the Hollywood Hills with my mom.  Those hills have become such a huge part of Danielle, The Mertzes and my life.  The particular hills we went into today has a ranch at the top of the hill where you can go horse back riding.  When I was a little girl we would always go to Yosemite in the summer and go horse back riding.  We both agreed that next time she come into town the three of us NEED to go for an hour ride.

So since my mom left the craziness began.  Danielle and I ended up having to take a bus to West Hollywood and that's when life got raw, quick.  At one point we were concerned for our well being but I just kept praying for protection which brought me strength.  During our crazy Goonie adventure I was trying to coordinate with the people I'm car pooling with tomorrow and I still am unsure of the status.  Oh wrestling!  One way or another I WILL make it to IWF's Benson show darn it.  God always provides and I trust 100000% in Him.  Let see what happens...

Once again I wish I got more footage grrrr!  This carny adventure what exactly what I needed.  From my performance to connecting with positive energy all was needed to heal my heart...(read more)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Such a trip that the week before I was in the same area shooting a different project and here I was again for NCSI background work.  That's the thing about being an actress, one week you have a feature role the next week you do background work.  Whatever pays the bills.  I just love being on set surrounded by what I love and getting paid.  Once again I connected with some amazing women on this shoot.

One the way home from the shoot my Lyft driver introduced me to Post Modern Jukebox aka one of my new favorite groups!  They bring such style and class to each song they recreate.  Check out their YouTube Channel, you won't be disappointed :) 

I slept in today, so sue me! :) It's funny, I feel like I had a match but I didn't wrestle yesterday.  I was staying in heels for 12 hours though, yikes! Am I over using the exclamation point?


LOL I couldn't resist ;)  Anywho, today has been an amazing so far.  God has, once again, aligned me with people who empowered my soul.  Some of these people are people I rarely talk to or have never talked to at all outside a work environment.  It's amazing how Life will present you these little gifts to raise your spirit and elevate your mind.  The Lord has placed some heavy things on my heart and I know I need to make a commitment to Him.  It's not going to be easy but as 311 says "nothing good comes easily, sometimes your gotta fight."  At the end of the day amigos y amigas Live, Love so that you can grow into the being your were always meant to be. ONE Love and Shalom, no matter what you believe in ;) 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fun looking back on these mornings.  We had only lived at our new place for a few weeks venturing into our new neighborhood.  I can't wait to see what the energy of this area will do for Danielle and myself.  Oh that Peg Entwistle, she's been haunting me for yearsI love that we have always been drawn to this area, thought we could never afford to live here and now we do!  What a blessing.  Praise God for all that He brings into my life.

A couple of pics I took a few years ago as Peg Entwistle near the Hollywood sign ;) 

This was a short but sweet shoot.  Everyone was so friendly!  I hope there are more shoots like this in the near future.

Here is the scene I shot.  Darn it, I wish I was in the shape I am today in the video.  Can I get some jelly with those rolls ;) Still, awesome footage that I definitely added to my reel :) 
A video posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on
Another week has come and gone...what a week!  It definitely had it's ups and downs but through all of it I learned so much.  I am able to attack this week with a clearer head and sound mind.  It's not going to be an easy week but who said life is easy?  If it was we would be living in a completely different world that's for sure.  The common denominator last week was my true blue amigos y amigas totally had my back in EVERY situation.  It never ceases to amaze me when people show their true colors.  It's weird.  I'm such a what you see is what you get kinda gal I forget people (especially those with shady intent) wear their best mask to distract in hopes that I lose focus.  Whatevs ;)

Experiencing an overly intoxicated night can remind you of the mess you have going on inside. I've recently had one of THOSE nights. My day leading up to it was extremely stressful. I was working a full shift after 4 hours of sleep...(read more)

Friday, October 31, 2014

I can come across like a bitter, wrestling hating, negative Nancy. I want to set the record straight. I find a lot of art and inspiration through wrestling. I'm fully aware that I'm not a wrestler....(read more)

A video posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

A photo posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

I woke up so hungry this morning!  I thought I would surprise Danielle with a tasty breakfast when she woke up so I got up super early, went to the store and made it :)  A huge benefit to making your own food is controlling what goes in it.  I love breakfast sandwiches but they often have tons of sodium, carbs and calories in them.  Today I made a breakfast sandwich ab city style:

Total Calories:  395

  • Everything Bagel Thin
  • 2 tablespoons of Weight Watchers Cream Cheese
  • 1 Morning Star "sausage" patty
  • Egg White Patty
  • 8oz of Orange Juice
I feel like this meal will give me energy and keep me full until lunch.  I think sometimes I eat so light in the morning I end up feeling hungry all day.

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So our friends Brian Zombie and Freddy Gallo asked us out to lunch so I thought why not sport my Kaos shirt with a dash of Jezebel Romo :)  I've known both of them for soooo long and am grateful to have a school in So Cal to call my home.

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Fun Fact: Last October was the first time Danielle and I had been to Birds Cafe so we thought why not make it a tradition?  What sold me on Birds the first time was the decor.  At Birds they like to gussy up the joint in true Halloween fashion.

A photo posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

And of course lets not forget why this place is called Birds in the first place ;)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Join me and all my cosplay amigos y amigas at Stan Lee's Comikaze Con this weekend at the Los Angeles Convention Center!  I will be signing at the Tweet Secret booth Sat & Sun 11-4PM, come by and say hola!

After the convention share a night of laughs, drinks, food and Tweet Secret videos galore at the Geeks Only Party at Dave & Busters in Hollywood!  Order your tickets today :)

Going to Hoodslam is EXACTLY what I needed. I was going through such a rough time in my personal life Hoodslam planted the seed to bring me back to life...(read more)
A photo posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on
Photo of the Week because duh, it has ODB in it!  ODB and I have been friends for years, she's a true blue amiga...(read more)

In the wee hours of the morning I broke up with my ex but it was all meant to go down that way. Stockton Con, Kevin Gill, Barbara and Mick Foley were meant to be my comfort zone...(read more)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A video posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

Even though I got a late start on today I feel great and getting a ton accomplished.  In the last few months I have been distracted and lost some focus.  Over the last few weeks God has aligned with me with people who uplift my soul recharging my life.  This summer I had so many questions but once some time went by the answers revealed themselves when it was meant.  Once they came I was able to understand myself, others and life completely different allowing myself to gain peace.  Yesterday I started to struggle towards the end of the day but once I uplifted my worries to God He began to work.  My mom has no idea what I am going through but felt the need to text me this:

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of Love and a sound mind."- 2 Tim 1:7

This is your scripture because when I was in labor with you I kept reading it over and over.  I think it is for you now.

After I read and totally received her message my amiga texted me sharing some thoughts and feelings that sealed the deal.  My mom's words and my friend's experience help heal the wounds in my soul from life beating me up this summer.  I am now back on the right path and will continue this journey giving full glory to God for all He has blessed me with.

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Whenever I go to FSW a small group of us come together and discuss our love for grilled cheese sandwiches.  It's kinda become our thing :)  This morning I stumbled upon this sign and had to Instagram it to the Rock Legend Scum himself, Adam Thornstowe.  Though I put the seal of approval on Hooters grilled cheese I have to say the #1 pick for me, so far, is Mimi's Cafe's 5 grilled cheese sandwich.  Will The Oaks take Mimi's coveted spot or will it be a grill cheese disaster?  Stay tuned to find out!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Yesterday was an all gal pal day affair!  Life keeps aligning me with amazing people that have powerful energy which recharges my soul.  What a blessing.  We spent the day in Marina Del Rey/Venice area filled with laughs and fellowship.  Funny how I keep finding myself in that area, coincidence?  I think not...

A photo posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

A photo posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

One of my favorite places to have some naughty food and happy hour drinks is Cabo Cantina.  I haven't been there for a while, it was great to going back with my amigas!

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A photo posted by Shelly Martinez (@funtimeshelly) on

We finished the night at this really cute bar in Westwood called The Wellesbourne. It was totally my vibe. Amazing drinks, cozy setting and surrounded by walls that you swear are trying to tell you a secret ;)

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Ever have absinthe?  It's one of my favorite drinks but I don't get a chance to drink it often.  It was quite the delight to see it on The Wellesbourne menu.  Usually I drink absinthe straight up but being the vibe The Wellsbourne has to offer I had to have the official drink.  I think Danielle and I need to go back there and have a night filled with green fairies ;)