Since March I have been on quite the journey and I must say, I dig each chapter as it unfolds. I have found great inspiration that has truly helped me form into the strong woman I have become. During my journey I have discovered that I was too giving of my own energy and recently took that energy back. God has put certain people and situations in my life and I am grateful for every lesson learned. God uses others to help guide us to the right path but one must never forget that God is in control. Sometimes as humans we tend to lean on our own understanding which can lead us off our path. I have learned to truly trust in God in all things and when I practice this method I find peace, patience and compassion towards situations that typically would lead to anxiety, darkness and insecurities. Its been over a year since I have made a commitment to not have sex until I am married and I am here to tell you it has been the best commitment I have made. I have been able to understand myself, others and deal with my life in a healthy way. A way that has led to self worth, confidence and positive vibes to the max! I look forward to documenting my journey with all of you in hope to spread some positivity and inspiration to those who need it the most. I shot the picture above last week and couldn't be more proud of the woman I have become. I feel better than ever mind, body and soul. Soon the full set will be released on but until then make sure to check out my FREE channels:
Peace be with you. God be with you. Shalom! xo Shelly