Saturday, July 9, 2011

MPP Party @ the Playboy Mansion

Thurs was a crazy day.  During the day Danielle and I moved and in the evening we went to the MPP party at the Playboy Mansion.  It was bittersweet for me.  I'm going to a heartbreaking break up and just couldn't seem to 100% get into the spirit.  I did meet with MPP before the party to talk about getting more involved with the organization.  I am excited to be a part of the solution rather than the problem :)  Here are some fun pics we took.
I am so glad Danielle was able to come with me.  She is my solid rock and gift from God. They had a silent auction with lots of beautiful Marilyn Monroe artwork and photos.  I have always felt so connected to her more now than ever.  I know I have said this before but I remember going to a function with my family and they had this game where you throw a ball and whoever catches it answers the question your index finger lands on.  My question was who would you be in history and why?? To which I answered Marilyn Monroe but everything she did wrong I would do right.
My fav part of the mansion are the animals!!  I can get lost in that jungle for hours.  We kept following this peacock around sooooo beautiful.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  What I found interesting is when sunset came the peacocks would fly into trees and go to sleep.  I guess I just never thought about how they would sleep.  We were walking through the garden looked up and saw about 10 of them up there!!
The monkeys are my favorite!!  They are so cute and so active.  I wish I had a monkey and bird habitat, perhaps one day :)  Danielle and I just watched them for a long time.  So interesting with their little hands and faces :)
I love that you can hold and take pictures with the parrots.  This one had a Fred Mertz vibe, not sure why but he/she did :)
 Here is Danielle in the front of the mansion :) We left the party at just the right time.  I wasn't able to take pictures at night because alas my phone has not flash.  We did get some stuff on the Fun Cam so be on the look out.  It was great to see RVD and his wife along with Hal Sparks.  Again, wish we could've taken pictures with them. We did take one with Hal hopefully that pictures will resurface.  I am really looking forward to becoming more active with MPP my passion for it is on a different level now that I have had different experiences even within the cannabis community.